{ "Transit": "ÖPNV", "Bus Only": "nur Bus", "Rail Only": "nur Bahn", "Bicycle Only": "Fahrrad", "Bicycle & Transit": "ÖPNV und Fahrrad", "Walk Only": "zu Fuß", "Drive Only": "Auto", "Park and Ride": "Parken und Reisen", "Kiss and Ride": "", "Bike and Ride": "", "Rented Bicycle": "Fahrradverleih", "Transit & Rented Bicycle": "ÖPNV und Fahrradverleih", "Recenter Map Here": "Karte hier zentrieren", "Zoom In": "hineinzoomen", "Zoom Out": "herauszoomen", "Minimize all": "Alle Dialoge minimieren", "Unminimize all": "Dialoge wiederanzeigen", "Stop Viewer": "", "Plan Trip": "", "From Stop": "", "To Stop": "", "Routes Serving Stop": "", "Legend : travel time in minutes": "Legende: Reisezeit in Minuten", "Analyst": "Analyse", "Refresh": "Aktualisieren", "Set as Analysis Location": "Ausgangspunkt für Analyse setzen", "Bike Share Planner": "", "Trip Options": "Einstellungen für Routensuche", "PICK UP BIKE": "", "ALTERNATE PICKUP": "", "DROP OFF BIKE": "", "ALTERNATE DROP OFF": "", "BIKE STATION": "", "Station:": "", "%d bike available": "", "%d bike available_plural": "", "%d dock available": "", "%d dock available_plural": "", "Recommended Pick Up:": "", "Recommended Drop Off:": "", "Multimodal Trip Planner": "Multimodaler Routenplaner", "Itineraries": "Routenvorschläge", "%d Itinerary Returned": "", "%d Itinerary Returned_plural": "", "Link to search": "Link für diese Suche erstellen", "First": "Erster", "Previous": "Vorheriger", "Next": "Nächster", "Last": "Letzter", "CONTINUES AS": "Weiterfahren", "%d min late": "%d min Verspätung", "%d min late_plural": "%d min Verspätung", "%d min early": "%d min zu früh", "%d min early_plural": "%d min zu früh", "on time": "pünktlich", "Total walk distance for this trip exceeds specified maximum": "", "End": "Ankunft", "Trip Summary": "", "Travel": "Reise", "Time": "Dauer", "Total Walk": "", "Total Bike": "", "Transfers": "Umsteigepunkt", "Fare": "Tarif", "Valid": "Gültig bis", "Link to Itinerary": "", "Print": "drucken", "Your Trip": "", "Email": "", "every %d min": "", "every %d min_plural": "", "Board at ": "", "Stop": "", "Time in transit": "", "Trip Viewer": "", "late as": "", "Stay on board": "an Bord bleiben", "Alight": "", "at": "um", "%(currency)s %(price)s": "", "Start: %(location)s at %(time_date)s": "", "Board": "", "(%(agency_id)s Stop ID #%(stop_id)s),": "", "End: %(location)s at %(time_date)s": "", "\nView itinerary online:\n%(itinerary_link)s\n": "", "We're sorry. The trip planner is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.": "", "Trip is not possible. You might be trying to plan a trip outside the map data boundary.": "", "No trip found. There may be no transit service within the maximum specified distance or at the specified time, or your start or end point might not be safely accessible.": "", "No transit times available. The date may be past or too far in the future or there may not be transit service for your trip at the time you chose.": "", "The trip planner is taking way too long to process your request. Please try again later.": "", "The request has errors that the server is not willing or able to process.": "", "Origin is unknown. Can you be a bit more descriptive?": "", "Destination is unknown. Can you be a bit more descriptive?": "", "Both origin and destination are unknown. Can you be a bit more descriptive?": "", "Both origin and destination are not wheelchair accessible": "", "Origin is within a trivial distance of the destination.": "", "The trip planner is unsure of the location you want to start from. Please select from the following options, or be more specific.": "", "The trip planner is unsure of the destination you want to go to. Please select from the following options, or be more specific.": "", "Both origin and destination are ambiguous. Please select from the following options, or be more specific.": "", "All of triangleSafetyFactor, triangleSlopeFactor, and triangleTimeFactor must be set if any are": "", "The values of triangleSafetyFactor, triangleSlopeFactor, and triangleTimeFactor must sum to 1": "", "If triangleSafetyFactor, triangleSlopeFactor, and triangleTimeFactor are provided, OptimizeType must be TRIANGLE": "", "If OptimizeType is TRIANGLE, triangleSafetyFactor, triangleSlopeFactor, and triangleTimeFactor must be set": "", "Set as Start Location": "", "Set as End Location": "", "Destination": "", "Error %(error_id)d": "", "No Trip Found": "", "Your %(bike_share_name)s route": "", "Your bike route": "", "Walk to the %(bike_share_name)s dock.": "", "Walk from the %(bike_share_name)s dock to your destination.": "", "Your walk route": "", "north": "nord", "northeast": "nordost", "east": "ost", "southeast": "südost", "south": "süd", "southwest": "südwest", "west": "west", "northwest": "nordwest", "hard left": "scharf links", "left": "links", "slight left": "links halten", "continue": "", "slight right": "rechts halten", "right": "rechts", "hard right": "scharf rechts", "elevator": "", "U-turn left": "", "U-turn right": "", "Walk": "zu Fuß gehen", "Cycle": "Fahrrad", "Car": "Auto", "Bus": "Bus", "Subway": "U-Bahn", "Train": "Bahn", "Ferry": "Fähre", "Light Rail": "", "Cable Car": "Standseilbahn", "Funicular": "Seilbahn", "Aerial Tram": "", "Bicycle rental station": "Fahrradverleihstation", "Bicycle rental": "Fahrradverleih", "Take roundabout counterclockwise to %(ordinal_exit_number)s exit on %(street_name)s": "", "Take roundabout counterclockwise to %(ordinal_exit_number)s exit on %(street_name)s": "", "Take roundabout clockwise to %(ordinal_exit_number)s exit on %(street_name)s": "", "Take roundabout clockwise to %(ordinal_exit_number)s exit on %(street_name)s": "", "Start on": "", " heading ": "", "to continue on": "weiter auf", "on to": "", "first": "Erster", "second": "", "third": "", "fourth": "", "fifth": "", "sixth": "", "seventh": "", "eight": "", "ninth": "", "tenth": "", "%d hr": "", "%d hr_plural": "", "%d min": "", "%d min_plural": "", "%d sec": "", "%d sec_plural": "", "OK": "OK", "Minimize": "Minimieren", "Bring to front": "in den Vordergrund", "Send to back": "in den Hintergrund", "Route:": "", "Variant:": "", "Stop Finder": "", "Agency": "", "By ID": "", "By Name": "", "Search": "", "No Stops Found": "", "Date": "Datum", "Find Stops": "", "(No Stop Selected)": "", "Block": "", "Recenter": "", "Viewer": "", "Quick": "Schnellste", "Flat": "Flach", "Bike Friendly": "Fahrradgeeignet", "B": "F", "F": "Fl", "Q": "S", "All Routes": "alle Routen", "Save": "Speichern", "Close": "Schließen", "Travel Options": "Routeneinstellungen", "Geocoder": "Geocoder", "Arrive": "Ankunft", "Now": "Jetzt", "Wheelchair accesible trip:": "barrierefreie Route:", "Travel by": "Fortbewegungsart/Verkehrsmittel", "Presets": "Voreinstellungen", "Maximum walk": "maximale Gehstrecke", "Maximum bike": "maximale Fahrradstrecke", "Preferred Routes": "bevorzugte Routen", "Edit": "anpassen", "None": "keine", "Weight": "Gewichtung", "Banned routes": "ausgeschlossene Routen", "Use": "", "My Own Bike": "", "A Shared Bike": "", "Plan Your Trip": "Route berechnen", " to _direction": "", " to _bus_direction": "", "Start_template": "Abfahrt", "Depart_itinerary": "Abfahrt", "depart_itinerary": "Abfahrt", "Start_popup": "Abfahrt", "Depart_tripoptions": "Abfahrt" }